On Monday, Emerson turned 8 months old. I know, I say this EVERY month, but it seems just like she was born the other day. Where does the time go?
Emerson is so busy these days. She's babbling, rolling, sitting, playing, reading, jumping and dancing. It just amazes us how much she seems to develop daily. No crawling yet, but the beginnings are definitely there!
Emerson is also a great eater and has tried just about every fruit and veggie there is to try. Her favorites include cherries, peaches, green beans and peas. She has also tried chicken, which she wasn't to sure of and had yogurt (Yo Baby Apple) for the first time tonight and it was a bit hit, complete with happy eating noises. And we can't forget the milk...the staple of E's diet.
Emerson has started some physical therapy for a mild case of torticollis on the left. She is already showing improvement despite the fact that she is miserable during the therapy. The therapy consists mainly of exercises to stretch the muscles out and Emerson has figured out when it's time for the exercises and proceeds to do anything she can to get away and then cries and cries, big tears. It's big tears for me as well when I have to stretch her neck out, but I know I am doing the right thing and hope that my little baby will forgive me and understand that her father and I want the best for her. We are continuing to monitor the flat spot on her head and hope it improves on it's own now that she is more mobile and really just lays down to sleep. We are also exploring helmeting options, just in case.
We feel so blessed that Emerson is here with us. I definitely remember what life was like before she came along (plenty of sleep and margarita's) but I wouldn't go back for the world.
She is truly the light of our lives and we are thankful.
It was a birthday weekend! On Sunday, we celebrated Angela's birthday-- 29, again! We met for brunch at Scenic Loop Cafe where I had a tuna margarita (WOW, delicious and powerful) and the fried avocado salad that was AWESOME! If you look closely, you can see the remnants of the peas that Emerson thoroughly enjoyed. We had a fun time and really enjoyed celebrating with Angela!