WOW, guess who turned 10 months old on September 16th? Emerson's dad and I are having a hard time believing it. We look at her and then at each other and say "Who is that big girl?"
Emerson seems to be growing in leaps and bounds. She has had a very busy month. Some of the cool stuff that has happened in the past month include:
**She now has her two bottom teeth. She has been teething for MONTHS and I was convinced that she was never going to cut these teeth. So much so that I mentioned my concern to her pediatrician at her 9 month visit. I became a tooth fanatic and would put my finger in her mouth several times a day. And one day there it was, the left bottom tooth. No fanfare, no crying, no nothing. Her father and I were so excited that we did a reverse tooth fairy and gave her money for
getting teeth. She got a Sacajawea dollar from me and a silver Balboa from her father. We have tried and tried to get pictures of the pearly whites, but apparently Emerson does not like it when people try to pull her bottom lip down without her permission!**
**Good news about her neck CT scan. You may remember me blogging that the results were not encouraging. Well, we went to see the pediatric orthopedic surgeon who let us know that Emerson is going to be fine. While the bony abnormalities that were found will never go away, there won't be much that Emerson won't be able to do, and he does not anticipate any further problems. We were very happy and relieved to hear this. Emerson is going to have to follow with Dr. Stanley for a long while, but we are OK with that.**
**Commando crawling both backward and forward. As well as up on hands and knees rocking. She can also stand if she has something to hold on to. It won't be long before she is mobile!**
**Who sleeps 12 hours a day? OH YES, it's Emerson. She has been doing this for the last 2 weeks and we are loving it! I really thought my days of getting a full nights rest were over until she was married with her own kids. Baby girl, you are making your parents human again!**

**Emerson continues to eat and drink like she always has. This girl likes her meals and her milk. She eats everything that we feed her and so far does not seem to have any food allergies or dislikes. She sometime has issues with texture, but is learning to chew, so has been getting slightly more and more chunky food. Her favorite is Yo Baby! Ana Nicole likes it as well.**
**More and more "words" and vocalizations. And LOUD! This girl loves to babble and scream at her monkey (I guess he needs scolding?). She says Dada a lot, and we are working on Mama. She wakes up every morning and has conversations with whoever is in her crib with her. She'll do this for a good 30 minutes before she begins the "Hey, come and get me" cry.**

We are so in love with our baby girl. She has brought such joy and light to us and we are thankful everyday that she is here. Emerson, you are the best baby and we love you so very very much! We can't wait to see what the next month brings!