On February 16, Emerson turned 15 months! Where has the time gone? When did this happen? Our little baby is turning into a little girl.
Some fun facts about Emerson:
** She is over her "no eating" phase and eats everything. She has a good appetite. Her favorites are ravioli, oatmeal, rice and waffles!
** She has finally cut 2 more teeth...both upper teeth and it looks like there may be some more on the way. She hasn't cut a tooth since September.
** She isn't an independent walker just yet, but she's close. The bony abnormalities in her neck have held her back a little, but she should be fairly mobile VERY soon...within the month. She keeps working with Christie, her dedicated physical therapist to overcome these obstacles.
** She is still a champion sleeper...down at 8pm and up between 8-9am. She has the odd false start or night waking, but they are far and few between.
** She's still a horrible daytime napper....1 hour max. She has graduated from the crib to the cot at school.
** She has a few words now...Mama, Daddy, Hi, Bye and a few others that we can't quite understand.
** She is proficient at Patty Cake and is getting the hang of Itsy Bitsy Spider.
** She is beginning to understand cause and effect. She loves to grab the TV remote and push buttons. She seems to realize that pushing certain buttons makes certain things happen....like the Wonder Pets get really loud then really quiet.
** This girl LOVES books. She likes to read and point, and of course be read to. And she doesn't even care what order the pages are in...just read and she flips.
** She's graduated to sippy cups without any fuss. She would like to graduate to her own fork and knife...but Mom isn't ready for that yet.
** This girl LOVES LOVES LOVES her Dad.
** 15 Month stats: Wt. 18.5 (less than 5th), Ht. 29 (5-10th). Yes, she is officially underweight...but her pediatrician isn't concerned, as Emerson looks healthy and is very active. She even has fat rolls...go figure! Her pediatrician and I agree that it's better for Emerson to eat healthy and be thin than have a bad diet for the sake of putting on weight. That said, I also admit that nothing goes into Emerson's mouth that does not have some sort of caloric value.
Everyday with Emerson just gets better and better. We are all getting some sleep and life is good. We feel blessed that Emerson came to be a part of our family (well, Ana and Monique don't feel so blessed). Just look how lucky we are....we couldn't ask for more!