Saturday, June 19, 2010
Kinderdance Recital
Blowing bubbles with Daddy
Sunday, May 23, 2010
Random Fun!
Rainy Day
We recently had a very rainy Saturday morning. Since we could not go to the park, we decided to improvise and chalk on the porch. We just threw on our Crocs and out we went. After the rain stopped, we went and tried to send paper boats down the gutter. It was a fun way to spend a rainy Saturday morning!
Spring Fling
Every year, Emerson's school has a Spring Fling fundraiser. The theme this year was "Tropical Vacation" and the weather was gorgeous to match. It's the typical "carnival" type event - buy tickets at the door and then use the tickets to do the activities. Emerson's Grandma came with us this year and had a great time as well. We stayed til the very end and the school reports that they raised over $2500 for local literacy related charities.

Playing the Coconut game....she won everytime. Perhaps she's ready for 3 card monte on the streets of NYC?
Friday, April 9, 2010
Happy Easter!
We had a nice and quiet Easter this year. Most of our family was out of town, so it was just us and Grump-pa for dinner. We had a nice dinner out at the The Spaghetti Wearhouse and had a nice visit.
This is Emerson's favorite toy from her Easter baskets. Yes, I said baskets. The 'home' Easter bunny tries to keep it somewhat sugar free, so she got some new watercolor paints, a Disney Princess Jasmine play set, a stuffed bunny, some stickers with just a little bit of Easter candy. However, the 'Tio and Tia' basket came with full size chocolate Easter bunny, plastic eggs filled with chocolate eggs, a stuffed bunny and this jelly bean hauling, trike riding bunny and a hopping bunny that poops jelly beans. This new bunny on his cool blue trike is now a regular in Emersonville.
Emerson's Easter bonnet of sorts.

Sunday, March 28, 2010
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