We had a nice and quiet Easter this year. Most of our family was out of town, so it was just us and Grump-pa for dinner. We had a nice dinner out at the The Spaghetti Wearhouse and had a nice visit.
This is Emerson's favorite toy from her Easter baskets. Yes, I said baskets. The 'home' Easter bunny tries to keep it somewhat sugar free, so she got some new watercolor paints, a Disney Princess Jasmine play set, a stuffed bunny, some stickers with just a little bit of Easter candy. However, the 'Tio and Tia' basket came with full size chocolate Easter bunny, plastic eggs filled with chocolate eggs, a stuffed bunny and this jelly bean hauling, trike riding bunny and a hopping bunny that poops jelly beans. This new bunny on his cool blue trike is now a regular in Emersonville.
Emerson's Easter bonnet of sorts.

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