Wednesday, February 28, 2007


Who wouldn't be happy wearing a bear hat? The sleeper is too small now and we are passing it on to a new baby....

.....but we're keeping the hat ;)

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Keep San Antonio Lame

I have seen this bumper stickers on cars around town and think they are hilarious. Where do I get one? Recently, American Idol was in town holding auditions for the show, which is now on TV...maybe you've heard of it?

Anyway, if anyone needs a reason to think San Antonio is lame, here it is.......

When I was watching the San Antonio auditions for American Idol, I HAD to pause the TV (Thanks, Time-Warner DVR!) because of this sign and take a picture. If you are going on be on national TV, you'd think you'd make sure your sign was grammatically correct before showing it off to all of America and beyond. I mean, c'mon people, represent! I know I am not a mental giant, but even I know the difference between "are" and "our".

Moving on to Emerson. She is doing so good and is such a happy baby despite the nasal congestion that has been plaguing her for a few weeks now. We finally broke down and called her pediatrician who had nothing new or improved to do or give her that we aren't already doing or giving. She thinks is from the smoke from the mulch fire and said that she is seeing TONS of kids in the same condition. So we stay indoors, use saline drops, suction/aspirate, sleep upright, sit in the steamy hot bathroom and keep the milk coming. I think she is getting a little better, and the mulch fire is supposed to be out soon, so hopefully this will all pass. Here she is sitting in her bouncer. She LOVES this bouncer. When she kicks, she activates lights and music, which excites her to kick more, which leads to more music and lights, lather, rinse, repeat. When she watches Baby Mozart, she likes to kick back with her left foot on the little bar.....all she needs is a beer.

Sunday, February 18, 2007

Three Months Old

WOW! 3 months have passed since Emerson arrived. She is getting to be big, we think she weighs about 12 lbs now. It's a guesstimate...Rico weighs himself then weighs the both of them and we subtract. This girl likes her milk! Emerson has such a sweet disposition (except when we are a little slow when getting her bottle :), she coos and giggles and has BIG smiles for us. She loves to reach for and talk to her friends under her "gym". She is still sleeping very good at night, down at about 8-9pm wakes up 1-2 times for food and then back to sleep til 7-8am. The only thing is she doesn't like is to sleep in the pack & play in our room (the girl does have a crib-a VERY NICE ONE-and her own room, just waiting until 4 months to move there, you know...SIDS and all). With her congestion the past week or so, she was waking up every 2 hours. So we have been taking turns sleeping with her in the living room, where we can keep her mostly upright. Any suggestions for getting this girl back into her own bed would greatly be appreciated!!

Tuesday, February 13, 2007


Anna Nicole Smith 1967-2007

But not forgotten:
Ana Nicole Castillo, 2002-

I have always felt kind of sorry for Anna Nicole, she seemed almost like a caricature rather than a person. I mean, she was just so EXAGGERATED. Now I feel real sorry for her little baby...that now has no mommy and multiple potential fathers. Tragic as Anna Nicole was, the real tragedy is that her little baby really has no one now.

In Emerson news (there's always Emerson news!), she had to share her sun with her "sister", Monique. We have been fortunate that we have not had any problems with our cats since Emerson joined our family. Emerson LOVES to lay under her "gym" as we call it and kick and talk to her friends. She also likes to reach for them and is practicing opening and closing her hands. Watching her grow and develop fills me with a kind of awe and child is amazing!

Sunday, February 11, 2007

For Bonnie

Emerson is one very lucky little girl to have nice people in her life who make her beautiful blankets! I LOVE the colors of the blanket. Thanks Bonnie, it is very special!

Wednesday, February 7, 2007

F(3) is for F*ck

As in "Go f*ck yourself". This stove is officially broken. After the self-clean issue, the "lock" light finally went out and we thought it was business as usual. Now the whole thing isn't working. When we researched what the F3 could mean on the Internet, we were discouraged. It is either an easy fix or a hard fix (isn't everything?). No matter what, it was going to cost about $100 just to find out. So.......when life gives you lemons, get KitchenAid!

Delivered and installed by the nice folks at Sears. We figured, why repair an 8 year old stove (that wasn't that high end to begin with!)? Dishwasher coming soon:) And's a KitchenAid as well. To match the new stove and the old fridge, old microwave, old hand mixer, old stand mixer and old toaster. Shoot, KitchenAid should pay me for being such a good customer:)

In Emerson news, here she is doing the "Emerson Dance" with her dad on Superbowl Sunday. On the TV, you can see what looks like a football field. However, it wasn't the Superbowl we were watching, it was the "Puppy Bowl" on Animal Planet. A cuter version of the real thing. Emerson has been a little congested and coughing for a few days. I actually had to use the bulb aspirator that I got at the hospital for the first time last night. Her poor little nose was so runny. She doesn't seem to mind when I do it and I am amazed that I actually get something. Her secretions are clear, she has no fever and she is eating and peeing fine, so I am not too worried. Either a little cold or allergies. We'll see how she does over the next few days.

Friday, February 2, 2007

Stove top stuffing anyone?

The stove that came with the house is sick. When I tried to clean the oven, it began to cough and sneeze. Well, actually, it tried to clean itself, but for some reason about an hour into the cycle, it starts beeping like crazy and turned itself off. The "lock" light, to indicate that the stove is too hot and the oven door cannot be opened never went off. I tried a few times to get the thing to either go through the self-clean cycle or to unlock the oven door to no avail. So we have no oven. So I had to cook my entire "oven" meal on the stove top. Brisket and butternut squash, which actually turned out very good...we ate the whole thing! The Dood is researching what the problem could be and I guess we'll call Maytag to find out what we can do about it, if anything.

In Emerson news, she went to "school" today for the first time. It was a trial run, as I don't go back to work until next week. She went from 1:30pm-5:30pm. I had planned to take her picture to commemorate the event, but was crying too much to do much of anything, especially operate a camera. The staff was very gentle with me as they are used to first time Moms crying during their first time drop off. Emerson did very well and was whole and intact when we went to retrieve her. This particular school is very desirable and hard to get into (we applied in July), so we are happy that she is going there. And I need to thank my husband, who went with me. He is a rock who was strong for both of us. After we dropped her off, he bought me a Decaf Grande Vanilla Latte from Starbucks to make me feel better...and it worked.

When we are not being forced indoors because of smoke from the mulch fire, we like to take walks around the hood. Emerson really enjoys being outside. She gets to look around and she gets her Vitamin D!