Anyway, if anyone needs a reason to think San Antonio is lame, here it is.......
When I was watching the San Antonio auditions for American Idol, I HAD to pause the TV (Thanks, Time-Warner DVR!) because of this sign and take a picture. If you are going on be on national TV, you'd think you'd make sure your sign was grammatically correct before showing it off to all of America and beyond. I mean, c'mon people, represent! I know I am not a mental giant, but even I know the difference between "are" and "our".
Moving on to Emerson. She is doing so good and is such a happy baby despite the nasal congestion that has been plaguing her for a few weeks now. We finally broke down and called her pediatrician who had nothing new or improved to do or give her that we aren't already doing or giving. She thinks is from the smoke from the mulch fire and said that she is seeing TONS of kids in the same condition. So we stay indoors, use saline drops, suction/aspirate, sleep upright, sit in the steamy hot bathroom and keep the milk coming. I think she is getting a little better, and the mulch fire is supposed to be out soon, so hopefully this will all pass. Here she is sitting in her bouncer. She LOVES this bouncer. When she kicks, she activates lights and music, which excites her to kick more, which leads to more music and lights, lather, rinse, repeat. When she watches Baby Mozart, she likes to kick back with her left foot on the little bar.....all she needs is a beer.
1 comment:
Your blog is soo much better than mine or Rico's. Very cool. Keep up the good work. And tell that lamo blogging husband of yours to put more entries into his "full rico experience"!
Robert R.
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