Monday, April 28, 2008

Our first and most recent

My Auntie Marie and Uncle Ron were Emerson's first "at home" visitors after she came home from NICU. Here she is at about 8 day old and had just spent her first night at home. My aunt and uncle snowbird in South Texas every year, so stop by either on their way home or on their way down for a visit, which we look forward to every year.

Here they all are again 17 months later when my aunt and uncle were here for a visit a few weeks ago. Emerson is obviously a big girl now and is very interested in the camera. We'll be going home this year for a visit and then we plan to see Ron and Marie when they come to Texas again next year . We are even thinking of a long weekend with them when they are here!

Sunday, April 27, 2008

Your Baby smells like a Taco

This post could also be titled "We love all things Polish". A few weekends ago, we went over to Rus and Ewa's to celebrate a bunch of birthdays and see Ewa's parents who were in town visiting. This would be their first time meeting Emerson, and Mrs. Frohlich was cooking. And when Mrs. Frohlich is cooking, you RUN, don't walk, because the woman knows what she is doing!

We had a wonderful visit and meal. Ewa's parents are awesome and are almost like parents to me. I met them in 1990 when Ewa and I started nursing school together and Mrs. Frohlich kept me fed during those years.

Emerson had a lot of fun with Taylor and Cassie. She had a great time playing with the kids and a special thanks to Aspen who "babysat" Emerson so her parents could kick back and really enjoy our visit. We hope to do it again soon.
The newest Balcun?

Friday, April 25, 2008

Miss Bunny Buck Teeth

We know this isn't their final disposition, but we know a really good orthodontist, just in case. She has a few molars now as well, just not visible in this picture. They help her to be an excellent strawberry eater!

Sunday, April 6, 2008

A couple of screaming monkeys

Here is our walking girl and her newest friend, a Pink Screaming Monkey! Emerson is all about monkeys! She loves them and is starting to amass quite the collection. After Emerson gave her new monkey a few kisses, we spent the rest of the afternoon terrorizing the cats :)

The coolest thing!

Yes, I ordered a bald little baby!

Actually, its the little diaper bag that's the coolest thing. It's from Skip*Hop and it's called the "Pronto". I was getting tired of hauling Emerson's big diaper bag around and wanted something that I could put into my purse and go. It's got pockets for diapers, a spare onsie, wipes and bottom cream. The changing pad is detachable, which can make the Pronto even smaller. I love it. And it's good thing, as we used it today when Emerson had a blowout at brunch (the first time in a long time...her tummy is still recovering from the last round of antibiotics). Everything I needed was there and we were able to leave the restaurant with our dignity.

P.S. Sorry again, Dena. I am glad you are not fazed by anything my daughter is able to produce! We are glad we got to spend time with you and Parker and your mom this weekend. Thanks again Dianne for the lovely treat!

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

April Fool

Some of you were easier than others!

Ricardo and I have no plans for this anytime soon. Don't get us wrong...having babies is great and all, but we are REALLY liking sleep now that we're getting it again :)