Actually, its the little diaper bag that's the coolest thing. It's from Skip*Hop and it's called the "Pronto". I was getting tired of hauling Emerson's big diaper bag around and wanted something that I could put into my purse and go. It's got pockets for diapers, a spare onsie, wipes and bottom cream. The changing pad is detachable, which can make the Pronto even smaller. I love it. And it's good thing, as we used it today when Emerson had a blowout at brunch (the first time in a long time...her tummy is still recovering from the last round of antibiotics). Everything I needed was there and we were able to leave the restaurant with our dignity.
P.S. Sorry again, Dena. I am glad you are not fazed by anything my daughter is able to produce! We are glad we got to spend time with you and Parker and your mom this weekend. Thanks again Dianne for the lovely treat!
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