Friday, January 9, 2009

Like Aunt, Like Niece

Emerson had PE tubes placed in both ears today. She did awesome and we were home by 8:30am. Emerson's surgery was at the same place as last time. It is nice to have friends in the right places. Emerson hasn't had a lot of ear infections (5 in 2 years...not bad for a daycare child), but she chronically has fluid behind her eardrums. This has affected her speech to some degree. Her ENT, the wonderful Dr. H, said Emerson hears like she is underwater, everything is muffled and muted. This had caused problems with expressive speech. She talks all the time, jabbers away, but you can't understand much of it. Hopefully with the tubes, she will be able to hear better and her speech will improve.
Right now the girl is sleeping with her Dad and I am off to get her Rx filled. Then I may join them :)

1 comment:

Chrys and Mike said...

Tubes have been a blessing at our house! I only wish I hadn't put them off for so long, I didn't realize what a snap the surgery is. So glad she had it done and I hope you see lots of improvement soon!