The next day, we visited the San Antonio Stock Show and Rodeo. Rebekah wasn't that interested in going to the rodeo. She changed her mind once we got there and she saw the bungee jump! She had no fear and was doing flips on her second jump. She needed the first jump to get some air. I think this girl would have stayed on the bungee jump for an hour if they'd of let her. Maybe she too has a career in the circus?
Even Emerson got to bungee. She didn't get as much air as Rebekah, but she had a great time and looked so cute doing it!
Claire on the bungee.
There ain't nothing like a fresh, hot funnel cake to really make a girl happy.

Emerson and Daddy riding the carousel. They had a lot of rides and games for kids Emerson's age, which was nice. Parents were allowed to go on the rides with their kids, so even we got to go on some rides, technically.
Can't go to the rodeo without getting your face painted. My sweet little flower girl.
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