Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Back seat driver

Anyone need help driving? Which way to turn? What the lights on the stop light mean? What color ALL the cars are? Because Emerson is available and she is tireless. Does anyone else experience this with their small child/ren?
She knows that green means "Go" and red means "Stop" and that orange (I tell her it's yellow, she insists it's orange, I don't argue) means "Slow Down". And she is very good at telling me what the current condition of the light is. What she hasn't grasped is the timing of such actions in relation to the color of the light. The other day, we were driving and approaching an intersection. The light turned yellow and my driving advisor informed me that it was "Orange, Mommy, slow down". She was right and I began to slow down. Then the light turned red and Emerson began to yell "Red, stop, Mommy, red, stop, Mommy". Yes, the light up ahead at the intersection was indeed red, but since we were still a bit away from said intersection, I didn't stop. Well, let me tell you, that my driving advisor did not like this one bit, because red means "stop". Right here. Where you are. No matter that you are still a block away from the intersection. Red means STOP!
There were a few tears. That went away when I went "this way, Mommy" to make her smile again.