This is Emerson's new favorite pose...she has either her finger or thumb in her mouth....I guess she is teething, although I don't see any teeth nubs yet. Emerson turned 6 months on May 16. On Nov. 16, 2006, that seemed like an ETERNITY away. Emerson is such a sweet girl. She has a happy disposition and only seems to cry when she is REALLY tired or REALLY hungry, which I don't think is unreasonable (I often feel the same way :)). She loves to play and explore everything with her hands. And the babbling has started, as well as the squeals and raspberries. This is what we wake up to every morning...hearing Emerson having a conversation with her blanket, the mobile, the ceiling fan and the room in general. She greets us with BIG smiles in the morning with arms reaching up and little legs going as fast as they can. She is almost an unsupported sitter and is still eating like a trooper.
6 month stats
Wt: 13.12
Ht: 25
All 10-25th percentile
This was a little worrisome to me, but the pediatrician said that as long as she is proportionate, it's nothing to worry about. Emerson is just petite. Emerson is going to be starting some physical therapy soon for her neck. She has always liked to have her head to the left and now has a flat spot on her head from always sleeping in that position (if we try to reposition her head, she always moves it back to the left). We have added Zyrtec to her medication regime for her "allergies". Both her father and I have the typical bad south Texas allergies and poor Emerson seems to have inherited them, which the pediatrician said is common. So it's Zyrtec, Prevacid (for the existing reflux), Pulmicort neb and Xopenex neb treatments with Margo Moo. All conditions which she is supposed to "grow out of" in time.
We both are sooooo in love and feel so lucky and blessed to have our daughter.
Happy 6 month Birthday, baby girl.
your lying, my sweet little niece was not supposed to grow with-out me there. So it's impossible for her to be six months already!!
I bet her and Rebekah's stats are very similar.
Wow, is she really six months old??? Happy half-birthday, little girl!
Oliver is sitting in my lap saying, "Baby Em-es! Baby Em-es!"
She's beautiful!
WOW! Six months already?? You guys are so blessed to have a cutie like Emerson!
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