My wonderful husband had ring guards made for my engagement ring as a gift. I had 4 diamonds that had originally been in my Grandmother's eternity ring. After she died, my mother split up the diamonds from the ring and we all got some. My grandparents were married for 58 years and I have always wanted to incorporate the diamonds into my wedding rings somehow--maybe some of that long lived marriage luck will rub off on me--but didn't want to alter my engagement ring. So we went to a local jewelery store and they helped me design ring guards that would accomodate my engagment ring and my grandmother's diamonds. We had to buy 2 more diamonds (OH WELL!) for the design. I am VERY HAPPY with the results. There are very few things in life that are not improved with diamonds.
Thank you Dood! My left arm is getting STRONG!
Terry and I think you are a very lucky gal. We LOVE the new addition to your ring!!!!
I'm glad you finally were able to use Grandma's diamonds. And shucky darn, you had to buy two more to finish the guards. Gorgeous!
So sweet to have your grandmother's stones in your ring! I love that!
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