Friday, November 28, 2008
3rd times a charm
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Happy 2nd Birthday, Emerson!!!
On Sunday, November 16 Emerson turned 2! OMG, who turned 2? Emerson? Is 2? When did that happen?
In honor of Emerson's big day, we hosted The 2nd Annual Post Halloween Costume Party to celebrate. All of Emerson's favorite people were invited and everyone had fun with the balloons, jump house, cotton candy and balloon animals.
Emerson bouncing in the bounce house! Princess Leia for the 4th time!
Erin (Scream) and Taylor (Hannah Montana) enjoying some cake and ice cream.
Grandpa tired out with a full belly.
Sweet Parker came all the way from Austin! We loved seeing you and your momma! And we loved your "Super Parker" costume!
Emerson's cake. One of the ladies in my office made the cake and I thought it was super cute.
Singing "Happy Birthday" to the birthday girl.
Opening presents. Emerson received some very cool gifts. Thank you everyone for the wonderful presents.
Emerson and her devoted Grandma.
Sean the Knight enjoying the balloons.
Here is Daniel in his adorable skeleton costume. He is one big chunk of baby goodness. Emerson's other special friends Aspen, Taylor and Cassie were able to come after Cassie's recital. Wish we had some pictures of them!
Emerson's father and I cannot believe where the time has gone! The baby we brought home from the hospital is a bona fide toddler now. She is one busy girl. Her favorite things are books, her new easel and crayons, building with Lego's, jumping, running and trying to catch the cats (she's been unsuccessful so far, much to their relief).
In honor of Emerson's big day, we hosted The 2nd Annual Post Halloween Costume Party to celebrate. All of Emerson's favorite people were invited and everyone had fun with the balloons, jump house, cotton candy and balloon animals.
Beautiful "Mardi Gras Princess" Michal Riley enjoying some cake.
Tio Aurelio, Grandpa and Dailen.
Emerson's father and I cannot believe where the time has gone! The baby we brought home from the hospital is a bona fide toddler now. She is one busy girl. Her favorite things are books, her new easel and crayons, building with Lego's, jumping, running and trying to catch the cats (she's been unsuccessful so far, much to their relief).
We are so proud of Emerson and how far she has come. She continues with PT and is doing great. She jumps off of curbs, so most probably won't need PT for much longer. She also continues with Speech Therapy and is making progress in leaps and bounds. When Emerson was evaluated by the Speech Therapist, she was found to have normal to high comprehension and delayed verbal expression. But she is making up for lost time and is adding new words and sounds every day. The cutest thing she does is put her finger to her mouth and say "Shhhhh" when she thinks someone is sleeping. Emerson's sign language vocabulary is also expanding everyday. I have a hard time keeping up with them and I am sure she is using signs and I don't even know it. Her speech therapist is pleased with her progress, so we are encouraged. The ENT that Emerson has been seeing says that her ears are improving (she doesn't have chronic ear infections, but she does chronically have fluid in them) and that she can probably hear better which is probably playing a part in her recent verbal development. Whatever the cause, we are just happy to hear our sweet girls voice.
Emerson is still doing great in the sleeping department. She has recently started sleeping a little less at night and is now, finally taking a longer nap in the afternoon. For the past 18-20 months, she was a horrible daytime sleeper, maybe 45 minutes. Which didn't bother us too much after she turned 10 months old and started sleeping 12 hours at night. Now she naps for at least 2 hours. Her teachers at Primrose are relieved, as she would wake up from her nap before the other kids and wake them all up...they would have to take Emerson out of the room and do other activities with her until the other kids woke up.
She is eating like a typical toddler...eats everything in site one day and then isn't interested in much for a few days. I am trying to become more relaxed about it, but this does stress me out...I worry that she isn't getting enough to eat. However, she always has room for Yo Baby yogurt, so I think a little of her will is starting to show. Her pedi isn't concerned and Emerson is growing and remains proportionate. She is still small, 5th percentile for both height and weight. She was 22 lbs and 31 inches at her 2 year appointment.
She has thrown one major tantrum the likes that neither her father nor I have ever seen. I was in shock and had to leave the room. She was able to calm down and it hasn't happened again. She has started to throw a tantrum a few more times since then, but quickly gives up when we walk away and she realizes she doesn't have an audience anymore. I am sure there are more to come and I hope I have the strength to deal with them when they do. Any suggestions?
She is now the proud owner of 16 teeth!
We are just so in love with our little girl. She is amazing and every night after she goes to bed, we have to shake our heads and laugh. What a blessing she is and we are so thankful she is here with us...we can't imagine our lives without her. We are thankful that God has allowed us the awesome job of being her parents.
Saturday, November 8, 2008
Like a big girl
Happy Halloween!!!
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
I voted today
For the first time in my life. Prior to this election, I never felt informed enough to participate in such an important decision. This election, I made it my business to learn about the candidates and their position on the issues. Regardless of how it turns out, the fact that a woman and black man are on the ballot for 2 of the most important jobs in the country is awesome!! Either way, tomorrow we'll know what kind of history was made.
Sunday, November 2, 2008
South Texas Corn Maize
A few weekends ago, we met up with some friends to enjoy some Fall activities. We headed out to the South Texas Corn Maize for some fun. They had a corn ma(i)ze to get lost in as well as lots of other family fun activities. Things started off a little rocky for Emerson...she wasn't feeling well and her nap had been cut short, but she got into it and ended on a good note.
Beautiful Michal Riley and her momma, Kim along with handsome Alex lost in the maze.

Amy, Michael Riley and Alex in the barrel ride. The kids enjoyed this A LOT more than Amy did.
Emerson and her dad in the barrel ride....this was a high point for Emerson and she wanted to go again.

Emerson's favorite part....feeding the adorable goats. The maze sold feed for them in ice cream cones. The goats would run to the fence when they saw the ice cream cones. Some ate the cones others didn't. Once the goats had finished eating the feed out of her cone, she'd bend down and pull the grass and put it in the cone to get the goats to come back to her so she could pet them some more. I bet she would have been a girl in heaven if we had brought one of the goats home.

Amy, Michael Riley and Alex in the barrel ride. The kids enjoyed this A LOT more than Amy did.
Emerson's favorite part....feeding the adorable goats. The maze sold feed for them in ice cream cones. The goats would run to the fence when they saw the ice cream cones. Some ate the cones others didn't. Once the goats had finished eating the feed out of her cone, she'd bend down and pull the grass and put it in the cone to get the goats to come back to her so she could pet them some more. I bet she would have been a girl in heaven if we had brought one of the goats home.
Here we are lost in the maze. The maze had numbered posts in it that corresponded to questions on hint sheets. If you got the answer right, it told you which direction to turn in. Some questions were harder than others and we'd find ourselves back at the post only to try again. It was fun getting lost. However, we were filthy afterward and in bad need of a bath.

Meeting Tia Neila
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