We had a great Halloween! Our friends came over and we went trick or treating and then back to the house for pizza, apple juice and beer. Amy brought over her 7 layer dip, which was awesome and the drinks, which was awesome as well. Emerson donned her Princess Leia costume, saved from last year.

Handsome Alex as Yoda and beautiful Michal Riley as Sleeping Beauty. This girl made it almost all the way around the block with her high heels....you go, girl!

Last year, Emerson did not go trick or treating. She was too young and still wasn't walking. This year however, we were prepared! We practiced saying "Trick or Treat" before the big day, and tried on her costume to make sure it still fit since she wore it last. We set off with everyone else, her green pumpkin and her stroller as back-up. It took a few houses for her to get the hang of it, but after that there was no stopping her. She'd march herself up to the house and say "Trick or Treat" and hold out her pumpkin for the treats! She had a great time and went all the way around the block on her own power and feet. I did have to empty her pumpkin once as it was getting to heavy for her to carry and she was dragging it on the ground. Once we got home, we inspected her candy and weeded out the inappropriate candy (Hot Tamales, gum, taffy, etc.) and then let her enjoy a piece (mini 3 Musketeers) of her hard-earned treats!
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