Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Party Girl

This past Saturday afternoon, we went out to a party to celebrate one of Rico's co-workers 25 years in Blood Banking. The party was hosted by another co-worker at her lovely home in Pipe Creek. The house, pool, cabana bar and yard were just so beautiful. Texas Hill Country at it's finest!

Emerson had great time seeing everyone and got a kiss from her new friend, Hannah.
We had a great time and our only regret is that we could not stay longer! :) Emerson had a good sleep after all that fresh air. Thanks for your hospitality Linda and Keith and Congratulation to Charlotte on 25 Years!

Sunday, August 26, 2007

Friday, August 24, 2007

I love you, Herman Aleman

For those of you that know me, you know that I LOVED my Jetta. It was a very nice car, top of the line with all the trimmings that I had custom ordered and delivered from Houston. I had no intention of getting rid of it. It was paid for and in perfect working condition and still looked pretty hot. Until August 3rd that is. There was $6300 worth of body damage alone. However, the insurance company doesn't want to total it, so they are fixing it. The thought of driving it again, especially with Emerson, kinda freaks me out, so I decided to get another car.

For those of you that know me, you know that a BMW has always been my dream car, just always slightly out of our price range. Well, check me out now. The deal was too good to pass up. It's a 2004 X3 that had 23,000 miles on it. Yes, that's right, 23,000. The previous owners were an older couple from Kerville who basically drove it to church and back. We got it from the same dealer that we got Rico's Saab from, so they gave us a fair price and even threw in window tint :)! Yes, me in my new (to me anyway) car and Emerson in her new car seat, we're a styling couple of chicks going down the road. I LOVE my new car.

Something about them German cars that I can't resist. Who knows what my future holds????
Someday, maybe....................

Monday, August 20, 2007

And from this day forward, you shall be known as Darth Pink

Emerson received her new helmet last Friday. The helmet is to correct her plagiocephaly...that's a long fancy word for flat spot on the head. She's to wear it 23 hours a day. We are working our way up to that by increasing the time she wears it everyday. Today was 13 hours. She doesn't seem to mind it so much. I am amazed at how she is able to just go with the flow.

On August 16, Emerson turned 9 months old. Seems like she was just born and I marvel at how much she has changed from when she was first born. This girl has just about the sweetest disposition that I know. A few fun facts about her:

* she LOVES meat. She eats every bite and then some.
* she can push herself backwards, sometimes all the way down the hallway if we let her
* she has a dimple on her right cheek
* she loves music and dines to ABBA Greatest Hits every night
* no teeth yet, just lots of drool and gnawing
* she doesn't like bananas
* she has said Mama and Dada
* she knows who Monique and Ana Nicole are
* she is over her reflux
* her favorite toys include the TV remote, the phone, the cell phone, the baby monitor and my reading light
* her current stats are: 16.25 lbs (10th%) and 26 in (5%). She's a petite one but proportionate per her pediatrician
* she is still getting PT for her torticollis

Prior to the helmet going on, Emerson had a CT of her neck (not to be confused with the CT of her head that she had following our car accident) to check that there wasn't something else that was causing the torticollis besides muscle tightness. The results were not encouraging, but they could be worse. We are going to see another specialist and will know more after that visit, so I will share more as I know. Emerson is going to have a few challenges ahead of her, but nothing that we can't overcome.

Everyday, her father and I look at her and just give thanks that our beautiful baby girl is here with us. We can't imagine her not being here and wonder what we did before she got here...well, actually, we do remember. We just think this alternative is better :)

Tuesday, August 7, 2007

Just Imagine

The worst possible thing that could happen to you while you are driving in the car with your baby? What I had prayed would NEVER happen.

It happened to us this past Friday. Yes, the rear windshield is ended up all over Emerson. We are still shaken and recovering. And we are thankful, to Graco because the car seat did what it was supposed to do, to Volkswagen because the car did what it was supposed to do, to the SAPD and SAFD/EMS for doing what they were supposed to do and to God....for watching over us. Thank you for another day.

Saturday, August 4, 2007

Not roomin' with Harry

Which Hogwarts house will you be sorted into?

I have not seen the new Harry Potter movie yet, but I a plan to and am excited about it. I also plan to read the last Harry Potter book, once I get some time. HA! That was a joke, I have a baby at home, like I have time to read. Actually, I have been able to start reading a bit here and there, a little me time before I go to sleep, which I have been loving. Just finished a book about the history behind current events, if that makes sense. Really cool book. What I really should be doing is working on Emerson's cross-stitch birth announcement that I didn't get finished before she was born and haven't had time to work on since. My goal.....her first birthday!

Happy Birthday Alex

Today we celebrated Alex's 1st Birthday!
"Mom is great! She gives me chocolate cake!"

All the kids got to "swim" in the "pool" at the party. Miss Emerson wore her new bathing suit and got to enjoy the water. She didn't care for it that much, I guess it was too cold for her. But she had a great time when she wasn't in the water. The little "pool" had all sorts of little squirty spots and inflatable toys to play with and a sun shade. A mini sprinkler park in the back yard. It was sooo cute, I want one for myself. Maybe Emerson will learn to like it and we can play together.

Wednesday, August 1, 2007

Yo Baby


Emerson is a GOOD eater and is really into eating her meals. She started yogurt about 2 weeks ago and she LOVES it. There is much excitement before eating and happy eating noises during along with big smiles. It was Yo Baby raspberry pear tonight and probably her favorite of all the flavors she's had.

Tomorrow is strawberry banana.....I can hardly wait :)